Friday, January 23, 2009

Saya di tagged..Nad..

Rules and regulation (setelah nad repair..hehe) :-
-Do not copy answer.
-The tag question must be 100% the same.
-Tag people BEFORE doing tag.
-Tag 9 person oke.

nak tag sape ea:-
2. Nik Sakinah
3. Anis Nadya
4. Dilla burn
5. Kak Iz
6. Molly
7. Wawa
8. Cla
9. ikin

1.How do you know 1?
In 2005, during MHS..We were living in the same house during MHS..(dat time, i like to see dis gurl coz look so beauty and sweet) Being friend and had promises to live in the same house after MHS..then terwujudlah triple one..uhuk..miss dat moment.

2.What would you did if you never meet 2?
Maybe I am in Perlis, working kot..huhu or atleast I have STPM certificate in my hand..I dont know her if i'm not going to UTem, it means, I wont know Mahkota Parade or Hang Tuah Mall or even Melacca Sentral haha..but..God says: what will be, will is KUN FAYAKUN..

3. What would y0u do if 3 and 4 dated you?
Feel glad and happy..both are my fren that i love..but maybe 2 will silent more because 2 doesnt know 3, but 3 wont be silent becoz 3 is more xtau malu than 2..Well, 2 is bulat..3 is more bulat than 2.. u know..hihi

4. Would 5 and 6 make a good couple
Maybe yes but only in work kot..xkan kapel loving2 lak..hehe

5. Do you think 7 is attractive?
Of course yes..Too attractive, sexy and can made people fall in love

6. Do you know anything about 8's family?
Yes..she always story me about her family and i always listen..(yg plg xleh lupe dia ckp "adik bradik aku sume pndai n kalau nk dibandingkan dengan diorg, aku jtuh kategori plg malas n pling xpndai tp mak ayh aku jnis x force ank blaja..msing2 LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI")

7. Tell me something about 9?

8.What language does 2 speak?
Bahasa planet..huahua..Almost everytime Malay and sometimes English(masa presentation je)

9.Who is 3 going out with?
With who ya? haha with her fazuha la kan

10.How old is number 4?


12. Who is 6's favourite singer?
Not sure but I think It is UNGU

13. 7?
Alamak baru tau ade lagi yg saya xtau ttg 7

14. Is 8 single?
I don't think so..hehe but dont noe is the relationship is still there..pdot..cla..pdot..cla..

15. What's 9 last name?
Last name means father's name rite? MOHAMAD

16. Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
Of course yes..we've been a sweet couple in about 3 years ++..can't live without her oooooo...muahxxxoxo

17. Which school does 2 go to?
Not sure but it was MRSM..MRSM pengkalan cepa maybe..It's a maybe k..(haha I suppose to know rite?)

18. What do like about no 3?
NOT hypocrite...ONE of my friend that always tell me the truth..Mcm yang ahli falsafah pernah kata, "a good friend is not the one who always says that you are beautiful even that time you look ugly, but a good friend is the one who says that 'U look ugly in that face but don't worry, let me make you look beautiful' "

YANG SAYA DAH TAG TU..suke ati la nak jwb ke x..this is just for mende ni mmg FUN..atleast we know that there is something that we still doesnt know about our friend..AGREE WITH ME?? Salam..


nis n4d (*_~) said...


btol2.. byk lg xtau ttg mmber sndri..

(*_~) mmmuahhhxx...

Nadya Che said...

aku 3 tu... :P hahah mula2 tak paham.x pasan list name tu ngeh...ngeh...ngeh...

Muzlifah Mohd Noor said...

Bile tengok balik..taktau la nak letak sape dalam list 9 tu...sebab tak de idea nak tulih ape...
eh mun, kite minat ungu ek..?ehe

MooN CahaYa said...

hehe..agak jer..xtau btol ke rasa mcm moly minat ungu..hihi

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